Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pancake Monday Podcast

Over a year since this blog has seen any activity and I am pleased to announce a new project.

Jake Neuman and Lava-Productions is pleased to present Pancake Monday Podcast

A new podcast featuring, well, everyone that shows up to Pancake Mondays. It should be a ton of fun and hopefully it will all go well haha. Now it may be more often than every Monday this summer, but that's besides the point. After things get rolling you should expect to see it on iTunes and hopefully all over the various blogs/sites I have going on. This project is a long time coming and hopefully everyone will enjoy it. Look for more news tomorrow when recording officially begins!

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Shape of Things to Come

Whats Happening:

Hey everyone, Jake here, I just wanted to let you all know that this summer I am making a lot of decisions about all of these website/blog things I have made. Most of these decisions will probably be the deletion of few of these and just leaving some up if you want to look at past projects.

Out of any pages you should be visiting for frequent updates are probably mine and Melissa's blogs. Unfortunately Randomness Squared has kind of died off, not on purpose by any means, it just has. I think (this is my opinion) that the format wasn't what audiences expected so I'm keeping that page alive so we can work with it to make it what people want out of something that is Random. That along with the fact that I lost all of the software I used to upload podcasts when our computer got infected and I no longer have access to any of that stuff.

That One Comic Over There and 48 Laws of Power will both be deleted along with any other random projects that were never grasped.

Things to look for:

If you enjoy podcasts or just listening to random conversations people have check out AudioBoo and more specifically my AudioBoo. They are pretty much mini podcasts (microcasts for you GiantBomb fans) that are recorded on iPhones and uploaded from anywhere. It is a pretty awesome system and for those who want to get into podcasting but don't have an easy way to do it, definitely try this (if you have an iPhone I don't know if iPod touch works with it or not).

I am doing more writing now on my blog including reviews, previews, thoughts and a lot of other stuff. Melissa and I also have accounts that we both update regularly. I often do tweets while watching movies or television shows, a kind of text commentary.

So, I believe that is it for now. Remember to look at our blogs and keep an eye out for whatever the summer may bring.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Jake's Birthday "Event"

Hello everyone! If you were unaware I am currently doing a Twitted
birthday event all week. I will be doing special tweets all week, and
my "Song of the Day" series will have songs that have been awesome in
my 16th year.

So join me at for my transition into
17. My Birthday is March 13th, I was born on a Friday the 13th and
it's on a Friday this year, so I'm treating it pretty special.

Thanks for reading!


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fwd: Oscar Coverage


> Oscar Coverage
> Check out
> for my Oscar coverage. Opinions, winners, etc.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Melissa and I to keep Randomness Squared updated more often have turned to vlogging on occasion. We don't have a schedule worked out yet, but we're working on it. Anyways, enjoy the few vlogs for now and look for more soon!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Neo Nutters of Neopia

Neo Nutters of Neopia

Have you ever wondered where Melissa and I met? Well, it was at Neo Nutters of Neopia an awesome Neopets fan site. I write commentaries there and am the only commentary writer. Anyways, if you're not into that stuff, no worries, if you are, please check it out! We just released an image database, which Melissa worked on it for a freakeshly long time. Call it a "tagapalooza".

So, check it out if you want, and welcome to 2009!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Looking Forward Into 2009

Hello everyone, as 2009 approaches new goals shall be set, and we look back to see if old goals were met. So, I will look back upon old posts to see what I set for '08 if anything...

Ahhh yes, I started out 2008 with the Lava-Productions podcast. Haha, that seems like forever ago. So, I think my goal was to get something started. And look at this, goal accomplished. Now, this isn't the biggest podcast ever but I'm hoping it will gain an audience.

Anyways, looking into 2009, we can hope for the best. I know Melissa and I both wish we could do the podcast more often, and maybe that'll happen, but you never know. It would be really cool if I could get different groups of people recording podcasts together that way we can get more out there. Maybe we should do that... If you and a friend of yours have wanted to do a podcast together but don't know how to publish it, email me! If you record it and send everything to me, I could get it going here. Randomness Squared would truly start being random surprises about who is going to be on the podcast.

This is me brainstorming, can you tell? Haha, anyways as always, thanks for reading and look for more great stuff in 2009!
